(317) - 429 - 0564


We’re bridging the gap by connecting students, technologies


We educate, mentor, and advance young women of color on all aspects of computer science and information technology.
The next IT girl

Who We Are

We are a technology education nonprofit exposing young women of color ages 8-22 to multidisciplinary programs to pursue a career in tech. Through our discover, pursue, and succeed pipeline students explore all aspects of computer science and information technology. By supporting broader career options and encouraging all technical interests, we provide the support network they need to pursue and excel in technology-related careers.

Technical Concepts


Available Programs

'IT Girl' Clubs

Monthly in-school programming for K-12 schools, focusing on providing young women of color with recurring access to computer science concepts. Students grow their knowledge on one concept through project based learning exercises.

'IT Girl' Summer Series

A summer long digital and hands-on community learning camp for girls of color ages 8-16 to learn in-demand technology concepts. June and July, students gain knowledge of a technical concept(s), that allows them to apply those skills to create projects for their portfolios.

'IT Girl' Community Events

Partner Programs create long-term relationships with community organizations.  By embedding technology education into trusted community spaces, these partnerships create opportunities to reach a broader target audience, furthering our mission of increasing representation in tech.

How To Get Involved


Developers, Admins, Specialists, Analysts, Engineers, etc., we need you. Our platform exists to show that representation matters and that women who look like them exist. Allies welcomed.

Sponsors & Partners

Much of the work that The Next ‘IT’ Girl does towards increasing the presence of young women of color in tech is made possible by the incredible support of our sponsors and partners.


Your contribution to our efforts to expose young women of color and increase diversity to the tech industry is funding countless resources and opportunities to young women of color.